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  • Welcome to Mr. Nesbella's page!

    Name: Mr. Stephen Nesbella

    School:Erie High School

    School Phone:814-874-6200

    Room # 211

    Classes: Learning Support Ecology


    Welcome Message:  Welcome to my webpage. 

    //site/Default.aspx?PageID=466         School
    For additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact me through my email address any time of the day:  Snesbella@eriesd.org
    Transitional Services for students: Various transitional online activities to share with students/families if interested:

    Transition Activities and Websites:


    I. Engaging Students in Every Day Activities (no technology needed)

    a. Organizing personal or common family spaces

    b. Cooking side meals, setting table, and/or getting drinks ready. Also helping with the planning of meals

    c. Games

    d. Cleaning inside/outside

    e. Virtual communication (helping students to remain connected to school friends via (monitoring) texting, FaceTime, Zoom, Social Media)

    f. Television, radio, podcasts

    g. Exercise (inside/out)

    h. Hobbies

    i. Creating a choice board of the various daily activities: taking pictures of your student participating in daily activities, and then student using pictures to choose the activity to complete. Pictures can be stored in electronic devise or printed.


    II. Creating a Home Learning Schedule: give students choices creating their individual home learning schedules   




    III. Explore-Work.com: https://explore-work.com/

    Series of web-based modules that align with the WIOA Pre-Employment Transition Services (PETS) Program.

    IV. Career One Stop: https://www.careeronestop.org/

    Information regarding career exploration, training, and jobs.


    INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS - Budgeting V. Cents and Sensibility - http://www.studymoney.us/#/Home

    A guide to money management for teen students with disabilities. VI. PA Career Zone: Budgeting your Life: https://www.pacareerzone.org/budget/summary

    Interactive site assisting students in exploring budgeting strategies

    Recreation and Leisure


    VII. Low Tech: taking a walk around the neighborhood, having a family dance party, play charades, kicking soccer ball around, playing basketball, jumping rope, playing hop scotch, riding bikes, jumping jacks, sit up/push-up challenge, running/jogging in place, learning a new dance move are just a few ideas.

    VIII. Planet Fitness: https://www.planetfitness.com/

    Free in home workouts on Facebook Live – daily at 7p.m. -Popsugar: https://www.popsugar.com/Fitness-Video

    Free, in home work out yoga videos


    Health: Supporting Students during uncertain times.

    IX. Supporting individuals with Autism: https://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/supporting-individuals-autism-through-uncertain-times

    X. Autism Society: https://www.autism-society.org/covid-19/

    XI. Supporting individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: https://thearc.org/covid/

    XII. Mental Health Supports: https://www.nami.org/



    Regional Agencies: Erie County Care Management: 814-528-0600 Mary Huber https://www.eccm.org/


    Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR): 814-871-4551 Karen DiGangi https://www.dli.pa.gov/Individuals/Disability-Services/Pages/Disability-Services.aspx