• Art Teachers:

    Dr. Badams and the Communications Department are asking for y our assistance again with the 2016 Erie’s Public Schools Holiday Greeting. In addition to printing a greeting card this year, we will also scan and digitally display some of the art on Channel 8 and in the image rotator position on the district’s website. Here are last year’s holiday card selections: http://www.eriesd.org/holiday 


    Please select no more than five (5) pieces you would like to submit forconsideration from your school (please do not send an entire class’s work) via interschool mail (Janae Butler/Communications at Administration) to be received no later than Thursday, December 1.


    Technically, the following details should be considered:


    The dimensions of the card and artwork are to be suitable for either a 5.75” x 4.25” or 9.5” x 4” envelope — the submitted design can be no larger than 8 ½ X 11” to allow for scanning.? On our end, submitted artwork may be cropped, enhanced, or resized to fit within the final card dimensions and optimized for print or digital display. Landscape orientation is preferable.


    There are no limitations on color selection, but please keep all submitted artwork two-dimensional so it can be easily scanned and duplicated.? Also, metallic colors will not reproduce well so staying in the primary color palette is preferable.


    Recognizing the diversity of families served by the district, preference will be given to entries of a secular nature — those that do not make reference to any one religious tradition.


    Suggestions include winter scenes or typographic treatments of seasonally-relevant words.


    Thank you for your cooperation — we look forward to receiving your contributions by December 1 (please note that Dr. Badams will select the featured artwork on the morning of December 5 and so, unfortunately, no late submissions will be considered).


    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

    Happy Holidays!

