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    Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Student Stairclimber Awards


    Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.

    The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).



    Meet our May 2024 Stairclimbers!


    Dae'Veion Beard, Diehl Elementary's May Stairclimber, poses with his award, family members, and Principal Tim Sabol.

    Dae'Veion Beard, Diehl Elementary School, 4th grade

    "At the beginning of the school year Dae'Veion seemed to not care about school too much. He wouldn't complete much of his work or even try to. Dae'Veion also didn't seem to care about staff either. As the school year has progressed, Dae'Veion has made such great strides to learning and has brought up his grades each quarter. He stays for after-school help when he can. He also stays after school for intramurals and PALS. His attitude towards school and staff has changed to be positive. Dae'Veion is here every day at school trying new ways to learn and to show people he cares about them. From the day Dae'Veion walked into my classroom, I knew he was a bright student. His smile is contagious and he will do what he can to spread his happiness with everyone around him. Dae'Veion is also one of the first students to offer help to staff/ peers. I'm so happy I got to experience Dae'Veion's growth this school year."  
    Isabella Burton, Harding Elementary's May Stairclimber, poses with her plaque, family members, and school staff.
    Isabella Burton, Harding Elementary School, Kindergarten
    "Isabella Burton has grown tremendously over the course of this school year. Last year, starting school was very difficult for Izzy. This year, she has matured and is happy to be at Harding. She has become so much more independent and is building relationships with peers and adults at school. She is greeting teachers by name, she is polite and respectful. Isabella has shown a major improvement in her academics and behavior. We are so proud of her and know she is ready to rock 1st grade!"


    My'Honesty Carter. Eagle's Nest's May Stairclimber, poses with her plaque, a family member, and DEI Coordinator Ken Nickson.

    My'Honesty Carter, Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 7th grade

    "My'Honesty has grown into a hardworking and dedicated scholar. Her hard work and dedication have propelled her to become one of the most improved students in her class."


    Terry Chan, Wilson Middle School's May Stairclimber, poses with his plaque, a family member and Assistant Principal Wright.

    Terry Chan, Wilson Middle School, 7th grade

    "Terry has really turned his behavior around and become a positive influence with his peers in the school. His grades have improved dramatically and he continues to strive to do the best he can. We are so proud of Terry and looking forward to him continuing to grow into his 8th grade year."


    Joshua "Josh" Farnham, Grover Cleveland's May Stairclimber, poses with his plaque, family members, & DEI Coordinator Nickson.

    Joshua "Josh" Farnham, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 1st grade

    "What an amazing turn around for Josh this school year. Josh has excelled in the classroom academically. He has completely changed around his behaviors and utilized all his supports to get there this year. He also has perfect attendance for the school year so far."


    Darius Gambill, Jefferson Elementary's May Stairclimber, poses with his plaque, family members, and Principal Jeff Boam.  

    Darius Gambill, Jefferson Elementary School, 2nd grade

    "Darius is an excellent Jefferson student. He works very hard in the classroom to maintain his grades. His attendance has been very good throughout the school year and he always makes sure to make up any missed work immediately if he is absent from class. He completes his homework every evening. His behavior is outstanding in all areas of Jefferson Elementary. I receive compliments about Darius from different school personnel often. He is always following the Jefferson Bronco SWPBIS rules whether in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria or other areas of the building. He is a great role model in the 2nd grade classroom here at Jefferson Elementary."


    Angeth Guem, East Middle School's May Stairclimber, poses with her plaque, a family member, and Principal Matt Koval.

    Angeth Guem, East Middle School, 6th grade

    "Angeth has been recognized by her teachers for an improvement in her academic efforts and achievements, as well as her increased positive attitude here at East with staff and peers. Over the last month, Angeth has frequently shown her ability to be responsible, respectful, and ready each day here at East."


    KiArah Hansbrew, McKinley's May Stairclimber, poses with her plaque, family members, and school staff.

    KiArah Hansbrew, McKinley Elementary School, 4th grade

    "Kiarah Hansbrew is McKinley's Stairclimber Award winner for the month of May. Kiarah has shown improvement with her behavior is class, work completion, and participation. Kiarah tries to set an example for her classmates by following directions quickly. She is polite and caring. She tries hard with all of her work and contributes willingly to class discussion. Kiarah doesn't get discouraged by incorrect answers and she has become a respectful young lady with adults in the building. We are so proud of Kiarah's growth over the course of this school year."


    Dae'Waun Henderson, Collegiate Academy's May Stairclimber, poses with his plaque, family members, and Dean Jim Vieira.

    Dae'Waun Henderson, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy, 11th grade 

    "Dae'Waun has really improved this last quarter. Throughout the year, he has struggled with balancing his academics with Track & Field and working his part-time job. He was constantly trying to play 'catch-up,' and his grades suffered. However, this quarter he has been very proactive in completing his assignments and has been more vocal and confident in his contributions to class discussions. Dae'Waun is also a wonderful human being who brings happiness and positivity wherever he goes."


     Zane Keith, Emerson-Gridley's May Stairclimber, poses with his plaque, family members, and Principal Jill Crable.

    Zane Keith, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson Gridley/EPS Cyber Choice Academy, 12th grade

    "Zane shows up every day ready to work. He has made great progress this school year, starting the year at more than 10 credits left before graduation. He has now fulfilled the 26-credit requirement to graduate. He could have given up after falling behind in his first two years of high school, but he has instead persevered."

    Azonte Nixson, Lincoln Elementary's May Stairclimber, poses with his plaque, family members, and Principal CJ Huffman.

    Azonte Nixson, Lincoln Elementary School, 4th grade

    "Stephen King said, 'You can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will.' At Lincoln, we are so proud of how Azonte changed his behavior this year. He began the year with some challenges but has not had a single office referral in more than five months! He is now a role model and was even chosen to make a video showing expectations for Positive Behavior Support. Azonte also scored in Blue for DIBELS and Green for his iReady Diagnostic. We are so proud of his progress with behavior and academics. Keep up the great work and continue to achieve your goals, Azonte."


    Eric Ortiz Portalatin, Perry Elementary School's May Stairclimber, poses with his plaque, a family member & Principal Gunns.

    Eric Ortiz Portalatin, Perry Elementary School, 2nd grade

    "We are very proud of Perry's Stairclimber for May, Eric Ortiz Portalatin. Eric's attendance has improved this year, his grades have improved significantly and his behavior has also improved. He has also 'come out of his shell' a little more, talking with more adults and students. He is very respectful and helpful in the classroom and around the school. We are very proud of Eric's success this year with his academics and positive behavior."

    Damien Durfey, Edison Elementary School, 2nd grade (Not pictured)

    "Many of us have heard quotes such as 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again,' or 'You can not fail as long as you keep trying.' Our Stairclimber this month embodies resilience and perseverance. Damien has grown so much and is now a role model student! He follows all PBIS expectations, tries his best with each task and assessment, and treats his classmates with kindness. We are proud of Damien and look forward to cheering him on as he continues to thrive." 

    Angelique Hinojoza, Strong Vincent Middle School, 6th grade (Not pictured)

    "When we met to discuss this month's Stairclimber - all of her teachers came up with the same word to describe her - AMAZING! Hard worker, kind, great role model - she's everything you'd want in a middle schooler. Even with a bad cold during PSSA testing, she gave it 110%. We're beyond lucky to call Angelique Hinojoza a Colonel. We salute you, Angelique! With courage, she conquers!"

    Kenneth "Kenny" Miller, Erie High School, 9th grade (Not pictured)

    "Kenny had a difficult start to his freshman year. However, Kenny has made a very positive turn around lately. His attendance, behavior, and grades have been amazing. He is polite to all of the adults in the hallway. He's been a positive influence on his peers. Kenny currently has the highest grades that he has had this year. Kenny is respectful, responsible and resilient. Keep up the great work Kenny!! We are proud of you!"

    Xavier Miller, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 1st grade (Not pictured)
    "Xavier has made significant academic, emotional, and behavioral growth. With the support of his parents, PB staff, and Xavier himself, he has become successful in and out of the classroom. You can find Xavier bouncing down the hall with a smile on his face ready to greet all of the people he passes. He loves school! His ability to be a responsible and safe student has allowed his academics to flourish. At the beginning of the year, Xavier was not able to successfully read CVC words. He is now able to read first grade text fluently making honor roll. He is a math genius! The harder the problem the better. Xavier can often be found asking for a more challenging problem or additional problems. We are so proud of all the hard work Xavier has accomplished. He really is a proud panther. He is so deserving of this award. Xavier, we are all so proud of you!"

    Carina Pogue, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, Kindergarten (Not pictured)

    "Carina has grown so much since the beginning of Kindergarten; at first, she was shy. Now she is a leader in the class. Carina is always working hard to improve her skills in both math and reading.  She is a wonderful friend and always willing to help. We are so proud of you!"