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    Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Student Stairclimber Awards


    Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.

    The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).



    Meet our December 2021 Stairclimbers!


    Jerome Bass and family

    Jerome Bass, McKinley Elementary School, 4th grade

    "Jerome has made great progress academically this year. His is always kind and considerate to his fellow classmates and comes to school ready to learn. Way to go, JB!" 


    Kaylee Carman and family

    Kaylee Carman, Strong Vincent Middle School, 6th grade

    "From the minute she walked into Strong Vincent, we knew Kaylee Carman was going to ROCK middle school. She's everything we could ask for in a Colonel. Tenacious, kind-hearted, resiliant - - we see you, Kaylee! With COURAGE, she CONQUERS!"



    Mitchell Churchill and family

    Mitchell Churchill, Jefferson Elementary School, 5th grade

    "Mitchell has a positive attitude in the classroom (and) he comes everyday to school with a smile. He gives 100% on his assignments. Mitchell is a friend to everyone. He is active in extracurricular activies including Garden Club, ANCHOR, and Intramurals."



     Andrew Feidler and family

    Andrew Feidler, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 3rd grade

    "Andrew is the epitome of a stick-to-it student. During his career at Grover Andrew has faced many challenges. Despite those challenges he has moved his focus to his classwork. He has acted as a leader amongst his peers. Deals with difficult situations with a positive attitude and seeks a positive outcome. We are proud of his accomplishments and look forward to seeing where this positive attitude will take him. "



    Photo of Sa'Riya Henderson and family

    Sa'Riya Henderson, Lincoln Elementary School, 5th grade 

    "(Sa'Riya) has made great growth in her academic life. She is a classroom leader by example demonstarting great grades and attendance. And more importantly she is a good person and helps others when in need. Sa'Riya is very polite and a pleasure to be around. Great things await her in her future endevours. Congratulations to Lincoln Lion family member Sa'Riya Henderson - way to go!"


     Photo of Marcus House and family.

    Marcus House, Perry Elementary School, 5th grade 

    "Marcus has made a big turn around in the classroom with his behavior. He was chosen to be a crossing guard and has become a leader in his room. And has improved in his schoolwork as well. Congratulations Marcus and keep up the nice work."


     Alexander Kelley and family

    Alexander Kelley, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy, 10th

    "(Alexander) has really stepped up in terms of his leadership. He has been helping his fellow students in class (he helps keeps other students on task and focused) and is involved in several of our teams. He volunteered to command our JV Color Guard and led them to a second-place victory at the McDowell Drill Competition this past weekend." 


     Photo of Gloreazja Keyes-Richardson and family

    Gloreazja Keyes-Richardson, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 2nd grade 

    "Gloreazja always comes into the classroom with a smile and greets everyone. She has a positive attitude despite any struggles that come her way. She has shown significant improvement in her participation, academics, and attendance since the beginning of the year. Her confidence is growing, and she enjoys sharing her work with the class. When working with her peers, she encourages them to stay focused. She is also working hard to improve her reading and practices our weekly reading fluency at home each night. Gloreazja enjoys helping others and sets an excellent example in class, and Pfeiffer Burleigh Elementary couldn't be more proud to honor Gloreazja."


     Lazarus Lockett and family

    Lazarus Lockett, East Middle School, 6th grade

    "Laz has (made) many strides and is on his way to improvement in his grades and behavior. We observe him making better choices each day both in the classroom and while interacting with his peers. Great job making improvements and working hard, keep it up! "


     Photo of Lee'Noni Nixson and family

    Lee'Noni Nixson, Diehl Elementary School, 1st grade

    "Lee'Noni Nixson is a first grader at Diehl Elementary School. He started the year as an eager learner and has grown so much since September. He actively participates in class and demonstrates responsibility as he comes to school on time and is always prepared for the day. He has been a leader in the class showing respect and kindness to his classmates. Additionally, Lee'Noni has demonstrated growth in his DIBELS progress monitoring and has become a class leader in math. His academic successes are the result of his hard work and determination. Lee'Noni continues to SOAR every day and makes his Diehl family very proud."


     Ezra Schnaekel and family

    Ezra Schnaekel, Edison Elementary School, 2nd grade

    "Ezra follows all school rules, he is kind and helpful to both adults and peers.  Ezra works hard at his academics.  He is always on task and his work is neat and done with care in a timely manner. Keep it up, Ezra!"


    Haley Thomas Ramey and family

    Hayley Thomas Ramey, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson Gridley, 8th grade

    "Hayley logs onto our cyber platform each day and works diligently to complete her schedule. She reaches out to her teachers when she needs assistance and is always willing to learn new things. Her work is turned in with attention to detail and is high quality. When Hayley comes into the cyber labs, she is friendly and helpful with her peers and eager to lend a helping hand when she can. She is a positive role model for other students and is active in her school community. Not only does she participate in our Positive Youth Development Team, but she also is a member of the SV cross country team."


    Photo of Sophia Tabb and family

    Sophia Tabb, Harding Elementary School, 3rd grade

    "Sophia has made major improvements this year. She tries very hard with all of her work and holds herself to a very high standard. She has gotten very good at controlling her frustration and asking for help when she needs it. She is making great strides in both reading and math and has become a great example for her classmates when we discuss how to solve a math problem. She is always very caring with her classmates and is always willing to help when someone needs it. Sophia is well on her way to becoming an excellent student."


    Jaron Wayne and family

    Jaron Wayne, Jr., JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 1st grade 

    "(Jaron) always comes in with a smile on his face and nice words for all his classmates.  Jaron is a hard worker and always tries his best.  He has consistently improved his academics since the first day of school; Dibels, reading, and mathematics. Jaron is observant and a good listener.   He has many friends in the classroom and is a great helper to all.  Jaron is very deserving of the Stairclimber Award. "


    Photo of Amaya Williams and family

    Amaya Williams, Wilson Middle School, 6th grade 

    "Amaya has shown a great work ethic and dedication to learning. She improved so much that she was moved into honors classes. Amaya is constantly striving to learn more each and every day."


    Jeril Abdi, Erie High School, 10th grade (not pictured)

    "(Jeril) has greatly improved over the course of the last couple of months and is showing some 'Royal' behavior."


    J'orie Blanks, Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 7th grade (not pictured)

    "J'orie's teachers have seen a consistent change in him. He is focused and arriving on time. He asks good questions to try to improve him skills. He doesn't shy away from a challenge or extra credit. He gives his education and future goals full focus and encourages his classmates to do the same."